We are at your service
- Electric Fencing Security Islamabad Is now available at Fast Solution Technologies Islamabad.
- Advice, guidance, and specification of what FENCING system and equipment is needed for your business
- Installation service of FENCING in ISLAMABAD and surrounding areas
- Maintenance of FENCING systems
- Upgrades to your existing FENCING systems
- Our professional business FENCING systems use state-of-the-art technology to monitor your property, people and operation 24-hours a day.

Electric Fencing Security Islamabad Installation of a new fence around your Houses, Offices, or any other Property can provide both privacy and security​. Fences can help children and pets to stay inside your yard while playing in the garden.
Fence Installation System in Islamabad / Rawalpindi
Installing a fence Fast solution Technology can give you privacy and security, a fence can help in your protection so the children cannot go outside from the yard. Advice, guidance, and specification of what FENCING system and equipment are needed for your business. Installation service of FENCING in ISLAMABAD and surrounding areas, Maintenance of FENCING systems, Upgrades to your existing FENCING systems, Our professional business FENCING systems use state-of-the-art technology to monitor your property, people and operation 24-hours a day.
100 ft Fence Cost?
With Chain, fence prices range with the cost of metal, but a small residential chain fence with do-it-yourself installation generally expenses $3-$6 a linear foot for 4' height and $10-$20 a foot for 6' height.
Calculated time to install Fence System
It depends on the size of the Property, But usually, the job has been done in almost 2 to 4 days. There is no wait of weeks or months during installation. if you want to put a fence on your houses then click here
How many types of Fence System
There are 4 types of fence systems.
- Fence Type
- Chain Link
- Wood
- Vinyl Aluminum/Steel
Cheapest Fence?
The wire fencing is the cheapest fence at $2 per foot on estimated value, while a 6-foot high wood privacy fence costs $13 to $25 per linear foot and vinyl fencing for $15 to $30 per foot.
Is it hard to install a fence?
If we look technically, installing a fence is not "hard", putting it in is hard work. If your husband is generally handy, if he is willing to do the manual labor to complete the job then he should be able to do the installation of a fence.
Electric Fencing Security Islamabad Is Now Available at Fast Technologies , Electric Fencing Security Islamabad Best Pricing in Islamabad.
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